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GreenShield Health Coaching Program

This virtual four-session program is exclusive to eligible GreenShield plan members and their eligible dependents aged 16+ across Canada.

A woman sits comfortably at home, smiling at her laptop.

Why choose our Registered Dietitians?

There's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to nutrition. That's why our Registered Dietitians offer practical, personalized advice to support your unique goals with virtual sessions that fit your schedule.

Our Registered Dietitians will empower you to build and maintain sustainable health behaviours to help manage your everyday eating habits while feeling great and supporting your wellness goals.

This program includes four sessions: a 60-minute Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment, a personalized 30-minute Shop Like a Dietitian session where you will learn to read food labels and shop to support your nutrition plan, and two 30-minute follow-up sessions which you can book whenever works for you.

GreenShield Health Coaching Program (4 sessions)

The best way for us to help you is to first learn about you. Each of our programs begins with a comprehensive assessment focused on you and your needs. We'll talk about your lifestyle and health history and discuss your diet, eating habits and wellness goals to create a personalized action plan just for you.

Grocery shopping can be overwhelming. We'll share practical shopping tips, explore food swaps and healthy meal ideas, and teach you how to read food labels and choose products that fit your nutrition needs so you can shop, eat and cook for a better life.

Our Registered Dietitians have specialized knowledge in nutrition-related topics like weight management, diabetes and more. We'll teach you about the connection between nutrition and your health concerns and provide you with practical tools and evidence-based advice that fits your lifestyle.

This program includes two 30-minute follow-up sessions with our Registered Dietitians. We will discuss the progress you’ve made and identify any changes we should make to your plan to help you reach your goals.

Select your location to get started

This virtual program is exclusive to eligible GreenShield plan members and their eligible dependents aged 16+ anywhere in Canada. Our Registered Dietitians will verify your coverage through GreenShield before your first session.